How to Play Online Slots Tournaments

Compete against other players online as you spin the reels to get the highest winning payline combination.
It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s the most exciting online casino action around!

Scheduled Tournaments always start at a fixed time.
The winners are announced at the end of the tournament.

Sit 'n' Go Tournaments only start when the required number of players has registered.
The winners are announced at the end of the tournament.

To play a Slot Tournament:

  1. Once you have logged in to your casino software, double click on the Tournaments option in the Choose Your Category box.
  2. Choose to take part in a Scheduled or Sit ‘n’ Go Tournament.
  3. The available tournaments will be displayed.
  4. Select the specific Slot Tournament you want to join. Please note that you’ll only be able to join a tournament if the status of the tournament is Open.
  5. You can view the details of the Slot Tournament you want to join, including General, Prize, Players and Rules information.
  6. Click on the ‘Join’ button.
  7. Create your alias and enter.
  8. You will then be allocated a fixed amount of coins and a timeframe within which to play.
  9. The player with the highest win box value at the end of the tournament will win the pool.
  10. Click the appropriate Action button to play. Ensure you select the correct action, as it is final once you’ve clicked.

These Rules apply:

  1. Players have to be registered for a tournament to play in it.
  2. Depending on the tournament, the maximum number of players that can enter the tournament may or may not be limited.
  3. Tournaments are played right to the end.
  4. Should a player withdraw from a tournament before it is over, they will forfeit their entry fee.
  5. If a player does not return to a tournament, they will forfeit their entry fee.
  6. Should you register for a tournament and are not logged on to the casino system at the time the tournament starts, you will forfeit your entry fee.
  7. Tournaments are over when the time limit expires or the player has used up all their coins.
  8. Should for some reason a tournament that is in progress be cancelled, and cannot be paused and postponed by a few ;minutes, each player will be refunded their total entry fee to the tournament.

Should a player be disconnected from the system during tournament play, the following rules apply:

  1. Should a player be disconnected during play, the slot won’t spin on behalf of the player.
  2. Should the player re-connect within the tournament time, they can continue playing in the tournament.
  3. If the player is unable to re-connect, their winning total will remain static, reflecting the amount at the time of disconnection.

Please note that Tournament coins have no value other than as is countered in the tournament. Tournament coins therefore have no cash-out value.